What If Worksheet
Inspired by Ethan Zohn and Lisa Heywood
What If
It can be easy to obsess over potential scenarios and life’s “what if”s. These “what if”s can be difficult to process, especially in connection with trauma. The first reaction may be to avoid these thoughts, but studies show that this approach may not be the best way to move forward. The “What If Worksheet” was inspired by Ethan Zohn and Lisa Heywood and created by Reclaim Foundation to help you process your own “what if”s.
Our Resources
Reclaim Network
Free 24/7 peer-to-peer support and independent journaling to promote healthy coping strategies and connection.
Reclaim Foundation wants to recognize students who want to reclaim their lives by furthering their education.
What If Worksheet
Inspired by Survivor winner and cancer survivor Ethan Zohn, this worksheet is a tool you can use when your anxiety takes over.
Therapy Assistance
The Therapy Assistance Program by Reclaim Foundation provides financial assistance to survivors of trauma that are in need.
Survivor Retreat
Healing begins at the roots, where resilience takes hold. A weekend retreat for growing, healing, and creating community.