Reclaim Foundation is a Public Charity under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) as designated by the Internal Revenue Service.
Our employer identification number (EIN) is 85-3866827.
Reclaim Foundation is a Public Charity under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) as designated by the Internal Revenue Service. All donations come with a donation receipt which will be sent to the email address provided at check-out. Please keep this receipt for your records if you would like to use it when filing your U.S. taxes. Reclaim Foundation does not provide tax-related advice.
Yes, for added security measures we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on our website, including our donation checkout page.
We offer a variety of methods for you to submit donations to Reclaim Foundation. We accept Apple Pay, Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Discover, and American Express all through our payment processor, Stripe.
If you are a survivor of a traumatic event or if you have been impacted by trauma, there is a place for you at Reclaim Foundation. We encourage you to join the Reclaim Network. The Reclaim Network community can interact with one another, share challenges, accomplishments, and discuss moments within the overall journey of reclaiming one’s life following a traumatic event. The portal was created with the hope of transforming an isolating healing process into one with a strong and positive support system.Check out our Get Involved page for additional ways to join Reclaim Foundation, including details on becoming a partner, ambassador, or volunteer. You can also visit our Events page or join our newsletter to stay up-to-date on all of Reclaim Foundation’s current projects. Feel free to contact us at any time to submit a story.
Additionally, we are currently seeking certified mental health counselors, licensed therapists, and/or psychologists to provide their professional insight on a basis that works with their schedules. We hope to collaborate with these professionals to support our platforms by developing communal resources and a contact list of professionals specializing in trauma support. If this is you, please contact us at hi@reclaimfoundation.org.
No, it is not permitted for a tax-exempt charitable organization to donate to influence political campaigns or legislation. Also, we stand firm in our commitment for Reclaim Foundation to be a safe place for everyone that uses our platforms regardless of their political affiliations. We are aware that many of the traumatic events we focus on can be the center of polarizing political or legislative views. However, as an organization, we do not engage in politically charged events, campaigns, legislation, or contribute to other political discourse.
We are always looking to partner with organizations that share a connection to our mission. If you or someone you know has a business or organization that is interested in partnering with Reclaim Foundation, please contact us. Please email us at hi@reclaimfoundation.org.
You can reach us by filling out the Contact form. For more elaborate email communications, email us at hi@reclaimfoundation.org. Our mailing address is:
PO Box #15567
1849 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94115-0567
For any legal notices, please use the address of our Registered Agent, California Corporate Agents Inc., as per our Articles of Incorporation:
2108 N Street, Suite C
Sacramento, CA 95816
Please visit our Financial Support page and refer to the section on Reclaim Foundation’s financial assistance for more information.